
Luke Seltenhammer

of Jasper, Alberta
June 29, 1996 - August 13, 2021

The last time I spent a lot of time with Luke was during a week long training course for CN. Luke was really excited about trying out the train simulator they use to train locomotive engineers at CN. He was probably the best out of the group at it, and I think he was excited to one day get that promotion to become a locomotive engineer. In the days before Luke passed he let me know he had been very excited about life, he had met someone he was spending a lot of time with and he felt nervous around her like a schoolboy with a crush. It's a crushing loss with Luke gone, he was an amazing conductor, he was an honest friend who was very open and candid, and he will be missed greatly by everyone he came into contact with.
posted by Carrie Ambury : I worked with Luke at CN, and knew him outside of work. : Aug 19, 2021


Luke was the first trainee I ever had at CN. We had one of the best trips of my career together. Nonstop laughing the whole way and he knew so much about the job for a new hire, I was impressed. We exchanged numbers and chatted outside of work. It was always a pleasure to see him at the train station. He was such a friendly nice guy. I wish I had the chance to get to know him better. My condolences to his close friends and family, I have lost many friends and loved ones and I know how difficult this is. May you find some peace in this tragic time.
posted by Nathaniel Philippot : Coworker : Aug 19, 2021


Before I got to meet Luke I noticed he had one of the cutest balconies in the building. I wondered if there's a couple living there because that was to cute to be made by a guy! Later my friend Stacy introduced me to him and then I realized what a nice and king guy he was and everything made sense. We laughed when I told him my story. I only got to talk to him a few times but I knew right away how different and special he was, one of a kind. I will miss seeing him when I walk by his apartment. I wish you the best in these difficult times. May Luke rest in peace now.
posted by Monica Rodriguez : He lived in my apartment building : Aug 19, 2021


I first met Luke when he had just started training. I was one of his trainers and did we ever have a great trip both ways! After that I would run into Luke quite a bit in the building and trade offs. Could here him on the radio with his deep voice and I'd always be having some friendly banter on the radio. Always a bright and promising soul, young homie find your peace and we will meet at the crossroads! Bless your family and everyone that is in your life. Love you brother! 4L
posted by Imran Jhinjar : CN colleagues : Aug 20, 2021


Luke was among the first people to ever be a close friend to me. In many ways, I consider him a childhood best friend - insofar as childhood being teenagehood. We met in cadets, around the ages of 12-14, and quickly became friends thereafter. Shared interests, inside jokes, teenagers being dumb teenagers. Although we walked different paths in the years of late, we shared many growing up - and for that I am incredibly grateful. From introducing me to his Oma and Opa in Lethbridge, visiting his parents place west of Grande Prairie, playing video games together, messing around in Cadets, or to general joking about on various trips with Cadets, he was always a pleasure to be around. A friend, through and through. Thank you Luke for being a friend. To the family, to Inga, to Arlene, please accept my deepest condolences. Please know that Luke was an great friend to those close to him.
posted by Kashtin Apsassin : I knew him from Cadets : Aug 31, 2021





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